There are several methods to link to an Action Plan. stages™ uses this hierarchy to determine which action plan takes precedence.
Action Plan Rule type | Description |
0 - Site Action Plan Variation with point list | Site Specific Action Plan Variations with a Point List will override everything else when the Point matches. |
1 - Temporary Agency Rules: eff/exp date mandatory. | In the event that there are multiple temporary rules, the same filtering is used as in standard Agency AP Rules |
2 - Action Plan Match on Device Configuration | The Match Point is determined in signal processing. |
3 - Device Specific Action Plan | |
4 - Site | Site AP Rules include an Event Code or a Service Type or Neither. Event Codes are more specific than Service Types. |
5 - Agency | Agency AP Rules include a Service Type and Dispatch Type combination or a Service Type or a Dispatch Type. Service Type is more specific than Dispatch Type. |
6 - Site Group | Site Group Matching is ordered by the Site Group Type Rule Order. The lower the Rule Order, the Higher the Specificity. If no matches are found in the Lowest Rule Order Site Group, the next Lowest Rule Order will be searched. Rollup Site Groups are included in the Rule Order results. If multiple layers of Rollups exist, the search will go up the layers until a match is found.Site Group AP Rules include an Event Code or a Service Type or Neither. Event Codes are more specific than Service Type. In addition, the Site Group AP Rules also include a Dispatch Type and Site Type Combination or a Dispatch Type or a Site Type or Neither. Dispatch Types are more specific than Site Types. |
7 - DispatchType | Dispatch Type AP Rules match on the Event Code Setup table (with Dispatch Type) and in the Dispatch Type setup. Matches on the Event Code setup are more specific than on the Dispatch Type setup. Dispatch Type AP Rules with Site Type are more specific than without. |
8 - Event Code | Event Code AP Rules without a Dispatch Type are less specific than Dispatch Type AP Rules. Event Code AP Rules with Site Type are more specific than without. |
9 - Service Type | Service Type AP Rules with Site Type are more specific than without. |
In any of the Action Plan Rule panes, select the appropriate combination of Zone, Device, Site Type, Service Type, and Event Code and link to an Action Plan. When Site Type is left blank, it will default to 'All' site types.
One of the lower levels (Service Type, Dispatch Type) should be setup for all situations to ensure all alarm events will generate an action plan. If a more specific action plan is required, it can be overridden by any of the other methods. Using this method, a Burglary Service Type in a Residential Site can always default to a basic Residential Burglary Action Plan if no other action plans are assigned on a higher method.
Device Configuration is handled at the Site, Site Group and Device Type levels. The Site has first priority, then Site Group and last Device Type. Site Group Configuration follows a priority of 1) Device Type and Site Type, 2) Device Type, 3) Site Type, and 4) no Device Type or Site Type.
When a Site has multiple Site Groups, the Site Group Type Rule Order field on the Site Group Type setup window is used to determine the relative order of the Site Groups.
Site Action Plans can be created with a temporary Variation that includes in the Variation notes a line similar to 'points: 1,2,3'. This will use this Action Plan Variation for points 1, 2 and 3, overriding all other action plans.
In the Site Device Configuration, the Effective Action Plan is displayed for each point. The Effective Action Plan also displays where in the hierarchy that the Action Plan is assigned.
The Action Plan Usage window (Setup | Alarm Processing | Action Plan Usage) displays, by Action Plan, the Action Plan Rules that point to the Action Plan and the Alarm History where the Action Plan was used. If an Action Plan is not in any Action Plan Rules, or referred to by History, it can be deleted.
The Action Plan Usage includes a list of the older versions of the Action Plans that can be opened to see the Action Plan at the time of the Version.